Our Policies
At PS 150Q, we believe in a reflective approach and acknowledging positive behaviors. Our motto is Respect-Reflect-Revise. Our Positive Behavior System (PBIS) has a Respect Matrix that outlines the expected behaviors.
Students can receive ClassDojo points and rewards - individual and whole class. We currently have a social emotional curriculum, Stamford Harmony, which has monthly themes. Our counselors have monthly assemblies that are aligned to PBIS and the Harmony Social Emotional Learning themes. Our focus is always to teach our students to be respectful, reflect , and learn from their actions. We want to teach them life skills that will allow them to become productive and respectful citizens.
For infractions, we do follow the Discipline Code of Behavior issued by the Department of Education.
If there is an emergency and we have to evacuate the building, our students are taken to locations indicated on our safety plan. To find your child after an evacuation, you will need to call 311. Please DO NOT contact the school.
If there is an emergency outside the school and NYPD instructs us to lock down, we will send you a ClassDojo message and keep you updated.
We have evacuation and lock down drills that allow our community to practice and be prepared for any emergency.
Grading Policy
Students are expected to participate in conversations, complete classwork, submit homework and projects on time, and take tests.
There are three marking periods:
- September–November
- December–March
- April–June
Kindergarten students will receive a progress report for their fall (November) report card.
Their first report card will be in the Spring (March).
Homework Policy
Homework is given Monday through Thursday in all grades. The level of homework is based on the grade level. Worksheet packets may be given during long holidays.
Families are encouraged to have family time on the weekends, visit zoos, museums, see a movie, take nature walks.
Reading to your children or independent reading is always recommended.
Cellular Phone Policy
Chancellors Regulation A-413 permits students to bring their cellular phones to school. Use of cell phones when school is in session may disturb the learning environment and have students accessing inappropriate sites; therefore our cellular policy remains unchanged.
- Students may bring a cellular phones to school. They must keep them in their bags and off while they are on school premise.
- Anyone found with a cellular phone will be required to surrender the device to school personnel. The device will be returned to the student by the end of the day and a parent or guardian will be notified.
- If a student is found a second time with the cellular phone, a parent or guardian will be contacted and asked to come to the school to pick-up the device. There will be a meeting to review our policy.
- If there is a third violation or more, the cellular phone may be returned to the parent on Friday. It may be followed by further disciplinary action .
**Please Note: Cellular phones or other electronics are not permitted during State testing. Consequently, all cellular phones and other devices will be collected and placed in a box. Students will receive them at the end of the test.